
Rich & Pedro /

Pedro Barrios
“I was sitting on a bench taking a cigarette break from skating around the park. He rode by carrying an assortment of bags hanging from the handlebars of his bike. He stopped to talk to me and I noticed in one of the bags was a cat. He told me his name was fluffy and he loved Vincent Van Gogh ‘s work. He invited me to his apartment to show me his pictures, I figured it was safe to follow home to see his pictures and his name was fluffy required further investigation.”

Rich Burton Jr
“The day which went into night with The Pedro Barrios has never ended! We have shared and cared for one another ever since in my vigor muscles bulging I gave my heart and soul to him eternally. Even when kidney failure and dialysis almost took my life he still loved me, caring for my parents with early on set Dementia loses we strived on together.. Our loses made us stronger, my heart attack and recovery with Pedro’s love I came back with a vengeance to thrive with love, dance, café Cubano, we shall carry on, he is my light, my strength and soul soars with Pedro’s love!”

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