
Glenroy /

“I was force to start life on my own at the age of 16 after I was attack and almost killed by members of my family . Since then it’s just me living from gay house to gay use , being attacked and abuse , raped by multiple men who said they would help me.

My family had nothing to do with me so I HAD to just look ahead 6 years later I manage to escape the abuse and come to Argentina where I’m currently waiting ON my asylum to be granted .
The truth is I’m still traumatize and suffer from low SELF-esteem and depression since the attack and the injures have a huge impact on my fitness to work up until this day.

I’m now an activist TRYIng to help and inspire that are in similar position as I am, life is not great but I’m still holding on most importantly is that can walk without being afraid of being killed, and I’m free to be.”

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