30 year old Delicious (not his real name) is a gay man from Ghana. He says he doesn’t feel safe in his own country. When walking with friends one night, they were attacked by a gang in the street. They were able to escape, however when they reported the assault to the police they were ignored: “I reported to the police and the police was like, ‘Wow. So you're gay?’ You know, instead of them listening to what happened to me, they didn't. But was their head, ‘Okay. It's a gay issue.’ They were like, ‘Alright. So if you are gay, so be it. Then fine.’ My issue was brushed off. They didn't even do any follow ups. They didn't even arrest those who attacked me. So I don't feel safe. I don't feel safe, more times. You need to be doing your things indoors, always” Ghana. 12 March, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Delicious /

“I have been very feminine since my childhood. My family and friends do not understand why I behave that way. Sometimes they call me names. And my mom used to punish me a lot for that.

I realized that I wasn’t loved by all, so I started moving around straight people. And even with them it was worse because couldn’t change for them. They thought I was being possessed by an evil spirit. My family ended throwing me out of the house because they found out my sexuality.”

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