
Saaree /

“I BORN UNLUCKY….. I had good childhood until I was sexual assaulted by my uncle in the age where I don’t even no the meaning gay barbie girlie it was my pet name nobody’s thought why I am like this, whether its my mistake or gods.still I manage to live my life by blaming my fate.during this period I got similar experience only name age n place was changing but pain after assault was the same I even forget this bitter experience but the discrimination which I faced within family was unforgettable because I had 3 brother’s 1 sister whom I lost when I was just 2 years if she was alive my life would’ve even better. After my schooling I apply for graduation there was only 3 colleges for boys where I didn’t got admission because of my mismatch character until that i near knew even for studying they see gender 1 of the principal told me u fit to be nurse drop dream to be a graduate. Has she said I became a nurse due my educational loan I started working for half wage

1 day my senior doctor hit me with b.p.appartus on my behind my ear and brutally sexual harassed me. I lost my conciousness after 2 days I regained my conciousness n I was in ICU still i was sedated but I want to know about Dr. he got punishment etc but sadly I heard I case was twisted they made it unknown case of violence.. Either administrator nor my parents didn’t visited me even my parents didn’t informed was well after my discharge I went to police station I launched fir against Dr and I informed my big brother about my condition still nobody visited nor police & I got shock from hospital authority to see my termination letter still I signed without questioning I didn’t get experience letter nor my final settlements.then still I was strong to fight my case until guilty should punished but police didn’t proceed my cases because they got bride from Dr

I don’t know whom to ask help whom to contact where to go.. I approached my brothers n dad they never want me to come home nor they bother what I underwent they were ashamed of me.. So I manage to forget n left my place n move another place were I didn’t get any nurse job so I forced to do home nursing I got a young n handsome guy as my client who suffered knee transplant surgery n bed ridden. He proposed me n want to make sexual relationship I explained my pathadic story still he was more interested n couldn’t live without me.. I thought he will be truth n honest n lovable n caring so I accept him without salary or benefit I worked for him after 6 month when I got cured he gave some money n asked to stop my care service for him I broked into pieces still I didn’t questioned him I left then I heard my father demies I forced to home but my brothers didn’t allowed me to attend my dads last ritual that day I released that in this cruel world I am alone so I decide to committee sucide but I am not enough strong to proceed so I joined old age home as volunteer work to serve old people who was alone same like me I gave bath made bed for them I feed them I care them without expecting but I got love from them.. most of them are semiconscious but still I can see their love from the I am happy because I have so many fathers n mothers still I pray God to not give my fate to any one even to my enemies….”

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