
David Rose /

“Hello& salam sejahtera my fellow lgbtq friends and relative. I hope everyone are doing just fine, even the worst situation we have and each of it, just making we all stronger and keep fight for ours right, love is no limit and love is universes.

back to years 2016, i fled to sweden country seek for protection. protection for my right as a transgender who live fears, unsave, murder case in malaysia are getting bad and worst. my country malaysia is grew and beauty with many unique, tradition and multinational race, religion. we have many beautiful island with blue water and green rainforest, delicious malay food, indian, chinese, iban and a lots to explore, but when it’s come to lgbt issues, we are unable to married who we love, laws make us live apart from society. but i understand, malaysia is majority islamic society still hard to accepted, even we still allowed to dressing as woman in public, we allowed to have speech, to working and earn money to survive, allowed to keep ours hair long and silk, we allowed to purchase estrogen hormone, doing both surgery. but at the end, we still need the equality laws to legally same sex-marriage, id/ passport to gender we wish to. all that above are important for we, us to get equal treatment and feeling joy in many way and no worry in certain problem when its come to identification.

today, is my second years living in sweden, i feel love and be myself 100%. i found freedom and speech free or equality opportunity in organization. i am one of the board member for rfsl göteborg, sweden( organization for lgbtq) in sweden country. I been also performing in one of the gay club in göteborg city “ gretas club “ i dating who i like and guys are full with respected. i contact my family via phone call or whatsapp, video call. for me, the most challenging part is that you away from your family back home country.

but for me, life continue, you all have to find your own destiny that also required to work hard to get the solution of better life. being transwoman is never limit my destination, my goals in future are to visit himalaya, hike to everest, visit india and meditate and peace, and be with the people who need we most in difficulty situation.

i wish all of you, good luck and get your dream come true.


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