Avelino is a 24 year old bisexual and a traditional healer. When he was 22 years old he discovered he is HIV positive: “I caught HIV because I had several multiple relationships without prevention. They were in the amusements, in the night outs, in the nightclubs. Once in a while I had sex with people I did not even know. I caught HIV, I did not know what was that of having prevention.” Mozambique. 23 February, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Avelino /

“My name is Avelino I am 24 years old, I come here to tell my story. When I was 22 years old I found out that I am seropositive, I have HIV.  It was a scare, I did not expect it. I told my mother, until now I suffer prejudice because I am a youngster who has chosen a different style of life. I am homosexual, some people know and others don’t. Since I was a child I felt something different, I did not feel any interest in women, when I was 12 years old I had my first sexual relation with a man. I tried to have sex with women but was not successful. Since then and regarding my work I act as a healer, I started because I was sick and until today I help people including from LGBT.”

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