38 year old Angel (not real name) is a transgender woman and a performer. Because of her gender identity and sexuality, she says she has been kicked out of home, lost jobs, been the target of hate. “I was naturally born feminine and my parents and family loved me so much. But, when they realized my sexuality, everyone started to see me as evil. I was taken to churches, special places, because they felt I was possessed.” “People judge us a lot cause when you pass, there's this kind of eye, someone might look at you in a certain way, that you might even want to dive under the ground. People judge us so much that you really sit down and think, do these people see us as humans? Do they see us as humans or do they see us as animals?” Ghana. 09 March, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Angel /

“My name is Angel, I’m 38 years old. I realized myself to be a transgender at a young age. At that time it wasn’t common in the society. People frowned on it.

As time went on, when I grew into adulthood, I met friends who introduced me to some NGOs and I became more enlightened about the LGBT. I was naturally born feminine and my parents and family loved me so much. But, when they realized my sexuality, everyone started to see me as evil. I was taken to churches, special places, because they felt I was possessed. As I became more feminine, society started frowning at me. I was called all sorts of names, lynched, hooted at, and that made me felt really uncomfortable. At a point, I wanted to commit suicide.

I relocated to another region and decided to channel my feminine side into music and entertainment. At first, it worked. But, as time went on people started criticizing me and said all sort of bad things about me. Anytime I went on stage I was hooted at and things were thrown at me. I felt so bad that I had to relocate again. Life became tough because no one wanted to employ me. I’ve been wandering since I was first evicted from the house I rented cause of my sexuality. This and many more has really made me uncomfortable and I hope something positive will come out so we have a normal life like any other person.

Thank you.“

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