
Ruthie /

“This is a statement that fits Connie and my personal and political activism though Connie became an activist.

Praise me, says God, and I will know that you love Me

Condemn Me, says God, and I will know that you love me

Praise Me or condemn Me, and I will know that you love Me

Sing out My graces, says God,

Raise your fist against me and be angry, says God

Sing out graces or express anger

Anger is also kind of praise, says God

But if you sit fenced off in your apathy, says God

If you look at the stars and yawn,

If you see suffering and don’t cry out,

If you don’t praise and you don’t condemn,

Then I created you in vain, says God.

Adapted from Aaron Zeltlin
From Connie and Ruthie”

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