Prince (not real name) is a 32 year old HIV positive bisexual man. Prince got tested for HIV after he learned that his friend, who had AIDS, died. Prince has been on ARVs (antiretroviral drugs) for the last four years. “My gay friends doesn't know I'm HIV because of here in Ghana here, we like talking. That's why I didn't share to anyone.” Ghana. 10 March, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Prince /

“Prince is my name. I’m 32 years. I’m gay bisexual. I starting gay at the age of 12 years. And at that time, I starting just between me, do everything, it’s more or less new to me because I like it. I like it, be a gay. After then my community and my family thought allowed me to do it. Then it just pointing me, do unnecessary to me, then I just moving from the house to come and stay with the friends. So long time ago, then I living my life on the friends.

After then, I return back to my home. After, my community just put their hands on me. If I am walking, say this guy is a gay, this guy is a gay, this is a gay, then I am just scared about it. But I don’t give a damn. I was try to be bold to be a gay. Then after then, I was doing my mother is passing, is just thinking about me. Say, why you will do this, do this then, after then, my mother die. Because of I am a gay. Then I say no. I don’t want someone to say something wrong to me, this and this and this then, I just moving on on. Said I was trying to be a gay. But it’s, it’s not easy. It’s not easy in Ghana here. You say you are a gay. It’s not easy at all.”

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