NB / West Africa
“Dear sir/ma,
It is with great pleasure that I write you, I am a guy man living in West Africa but I am not free to be myself as the law of my country forbids same sex marriage/relationship, LGBT people are sent to jail for 14 years.
Furthermore, I had to get married to a woman in order to fit in and dispel all kinds of rumors going round about me but my home is in disarray as I can not fulfill my obligations to my wife. I came out to her already and she advised I seek help from the LGBT community outside West Africa which is why I have decided to reach out to you.
I need a support group where I can have a sense of belonging and purpose. Ultimately I need help relocating to a country where I can be free to be who I am.
Love ❤️ always
Dear brother,
I am so sorry to read about what you are going through. i can only imagine how tough it must be to live in such an awful situation. I come from a very traditional and religious family from west Africa, and i am currently experiencing immense pressure to enter an arranged marriage. I also don’t know what to do because my entire family is against me in this matter. They all don’t understand why i am not jumping to marry the (objectively) beautiful woman chosen for me. I completely sympathize with you.
I suggest that, if you live in a country that explicitly penalize homosexual relations, you try your best to get to the west and ask for asylum.
you also said your spouse knows, is she supporting you? can the two of you collaborate and either get a divorce or work some type of arrangement?
Take care and stay strong. You will get through this. Your happiness has no price and it will come! (PS: this website won’t allow me to write in lower case that’s why it’s all caps. not shouting at you :)