
Naila /

My name is Naila, and I identify as a gay woman or lesbian. I am a makeup and hair artist who works with models and artists in the LGBTQIA2S+ community here in Toronto.

I am frequently made aware of the way members of the LGBTQIA2s+ community including myself are dismissed, mocked or worse, for our appearances and try my best to challenge the poisonous sentiments that cause this oppression. I stay resilient by connecting with amazing people my community who inspire me and I try to lift others up.

I have an enormous amount of love and compassion for the world; especially for the diverse and vibrant LGBTQIA2s community. I celebrate the beauty of human beings through my work, honoring every individual’s uniqueness and spirit. I use makeup artistry and hair styling as a vehicle for spiritual expression and freedom.  

I am thankful that my work has helped me develop a sense of strength and belonging. I hope to continue sharing my love for my community through hair and makeup.”

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