32 year old Mr. D (not his real name) grew up in a conservative and religious family where carrying on the family name was important. Mr. D was married to a woman and they had a child together. They are now separated. His ex-wife knows about his sexuality, but many in his family do not. “Many, many gays, many homosexuals end up by getting married, getting married with members of the opposite sex - many times, many times, mainly to try and keep their image in front of family.” Mozambique. 17 February, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Mr. D /

“I come from a very religious and conservative family which elevates the culture that a man is for a woman until he starts a family for its growth. However, in my case, it was the contrary because since young I enjoyed more playing with or being in environments with women and this created displeasure in the family. I started school and I suffered much bullying and there were many times when I was called gay and, more commonly, a tomboy. After a while I realised that I not only enjoyed playing with women but I also felt physical attraction to men, which made me turn away from most neighbours and male friends. These, in turn and realising this, called me offensive names both in the community as well as in the school I attended. And I decided to turn my story around, after much fighting, and today I live well because I came out in the open before my brothers and my mother.”

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