
Mitch /

“The core of our being is our family, our small unit with me, Dada, Izzy and Damiya. When this is good all is well. Sadly though even in this day and age, we have laws that prevent us from being a unit legally. It is frustrating to know that if anything happens to either one of us, the other doesn’t have the legal right over anything that concerns either one. Also with the children, sadly only one of us has legal rights and these is no such thing as adopting. It can become very frustrating that we need to work doubly hard to ensure that our basic rights are looked after because unfortunately it is not a given even as citizens of our country. In spite of all this we are here, and we have a wonderful family and we are blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who love us and accept us as we are. In spite this we are still here and we are happy. And we have hope that some day things will be better and the right to that are rightfully ours will be something that we do not need to keep fighting for.”

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