
Laser /

“Growing up as a hasidic Jewish, isolated from any source of comfort and lacking any role models could lead every person to the edge.

When my rabbi caught me for the first time, I thought that the world came to its end for me. The humiliation and violence against me were almost too hard to handle. My parents attempt to help me was by taking to me to gay cure therapy and I could only think of killing myself. There was no one around with whom I could share the heavy weight.

When I got caught for the second time, things got harder. The community came with a quick solution and started to look for a bride, in order to “lock” me for life. Luckily it was the point where I got the power. Not to come out fully but to say: NO!

15 years later and my life couldn’t be better. While exiled by my family and community, I was able to build my own life and find great comfort with the close circle which I now consider to be my real family. The real pleasure comes when younger people from the same close and harsh community are coming out and saying that with my action, I gave them the role model they needed.”

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