Claudia (left), a 24 year old lesbian woman, and Jo (right), a 31 year old transgender man, have been in a relationship for over five years. Jo explains what happened when Claudia’s mother discovered their relationship: “she was expelled from the house and I had to take responsibility and take Claudia to live with me at my parents' house.” Jo’s family took in Claudia, two weeks later her family began to soften. Jo says: “Claudia's mother asked her to come back home and expressed an interest in getting to know my family, this is what happened in the same year. From that period until here, both her family and my family, our relationship is being respected by all of them.” Mozambique, Maputo. 22 February, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Jo & Claudia /

“I’m Joana Macucule, better known as Jo and my partner is Claudia Mauss. We met at a party of a mutual friend. A few days later we started dating in April 2012. Our relationship, likes several others consisted of ups and downs. But in our case it was because we were a lesbian couple. A negative episode that remarked us and determined the history of our relationship all began when Claudia’s mother discovered that her daughter was dating a person of the same sex. She was expelled from the house and I had to take responsibility and take Claudia to live with me at my parents’ house. And at the time, they still did not accept the fact that I would bring or even receive female visitors. She lived for two weeks at my parents’ house, even with their indifference. Meanwhile, she was talking with her mother, and made her understand that it was me she wanted to stay with. After two weeks, Claudia’s mother asked her to come back home and expressed an interest in getting to know my family, this is what happened in the same year. From that period until here, both her family and my family, our relationship is being respected by all of them.”

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