
Javi /

“I dont owe you my story

Do you put clothes on my back?

Do you put food in my stomach

Are you the one who keeps these lights


I don’t owe you my story.

Are you my therapist?

Are you gonna be there for every
messy, sticky moment of my

Are you gonna call my name

when my soul flies over my body

and I watch us from the ceiling

of your office

Are you going to call my name
across 6 different dimensions

Javi come back

Javi come back


Then I don’t owe you my story

Are you my lover?

Will you help me tear down these

walls brick by brick?

Will you be there when the nightmares

come back?

Will you be there when the memories
written on my cell walls putt me
back in time

back to that moment

back to that very same moment


Then I don’t owe you my story

Are you my comrade?

Are you going to confront your
racists father, your racist uncle,
your racist self?

Are you going to smash transphobia
where ever you go?

Are you going to open your mouth
to defend trans people before I have to?


Then I don’t owe you shit

You will not bring Erica back
you will not be there when I
fall apart
You will not be the one to pull me
back from the darkness

I am not a sob story

I am not a tragedy

I am not your inspiration port

I don’t need your permission to exist

I don’t owe you my story

I don’t owe you shit”

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