
“Here in the Bois de Boulogne, I am known as Gina. I come from Ecuador. I am a transsexual and I am a prostitute. I have been working here for 25 years. I used to work at night, but it has become too dangerous. It’s another world. What many people don’t understand is that we do this job because we didn’t have the opportunity to find another one. We come from another country and we are trans.

What do people know about us? 

A lot of people who pass by will judge and criticize, but what do they know about us? We are human beings, and all human beings should be respected. That’s what’s missing the most here in France, laws that protect us. As I once said to a policeman, ‘This is the supposed land of legality, and you are here to enforce the law, but it is us you oppress, it is us you assault.’“

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