
Flor /

Today I might have given up on my country

“when bolsonaro was elected in 2018 most of the lgbtqai+ poPulation suffered a lot. brazil was already a dangerous place to us, and it got much worse, because people’s  hate towards us was validated by the president. Today,  EVERY 29 HOURS a LGBTQAI+ person dies because of their sexuality or gender identity. It’s very scary to be here. It’s not even death that scares me, there are worse things that could be done to be or to my friends.

(R)existence became harder and harder with time.

Sure, we have things to celebrate! we elected a lot of lgbtqai+ people this election, and we have seen change. However, they have also had many victories. If bolsonaro gets elected again or, worse, uses the military to transform us in a dictatorial system, survival will become very hard. he is trying to shut down universities, and i just feel so tired. If the population elected this president that wants lgbtqai+ people to die, does this mean that half of brazil wants me to die? I spent 4 years convinced that no, that people were better than that. I am not so sure anymore.”

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