32 year old Ben (top) and 22 year old John (bottom) (not real names) have been in a relationship for three years. Both men feel rejected by their communities because they are gay. They have also been the victims of homophobic violence. Ben said, “I was attacked by gang guys twice. The first I was beaten, second, my partner and I was attacked by a gun. His hand was shot and had to go under a surgery, all in the name of stigma and discrimination in Ghana.” Ghana. 12 March, 2018. Photo Robin Hammond/Witness Change

Ben & John /

“We met three years ago. We thought love never existed in our world. Little did we know love is everywhere, but the challenge is bitter. I was attacked by gang guys twice. The first I was beaten, second, my partner and I was attacked by a gun. His hand was shot and had to go under a surgery, all in the name of stigma and discrimination in Ghana. We’re living in a world of fear. Neighbors do not like us because they say we have a mental problem. Now, we don’t know what to do. Fear has taken over us. Our love life is now a fear life. And we can’t buy from neighbors, we can’t mingle with them, all we do is to be careful.”

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