
Aziz /

Back in 2015, I came across Where Love is Illegal. I decided to share my story then, it was not complete, nor is it so today but it was for sure the rough beginning.

During the years after, I became involved in queer rights activism and became more open about who I am with those I love. I got the support I need and deserve from most of my immediate family members. Sharing who I truly am helped me strengthen my relationship with some of my siblings. I was able to finally feel more comfortable about who I am with people curious about the queer community.

Even with the fantastic successes I enjoyed over the past few years, the ride was not always smooth and easy. I went through trouble with one job and had to endure hatred from people for who I am. Nevertheless, I am a happy and comfortable with what I have accomplished so far. I want more from life and I believe I will have more. I am glad today that being queer is a big part of my identity and it got me to where I am today.

There is still so much more to be done in Jordan. The majority of people are homophobic till this day. I still fear for my job and my financial stability and security in my country given the status quo. A queer person is always subject to discrimination and maltreatment from society at large and those who might hold authority or power over them.”

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