
Ramiz S /

“On day of August even Taliban get control of Afghanistan I am trying to be hide and that time also I need immediately money for myself because I need to get passport and something else
For that I was gonna to my office to get my salary that I haved on office before of Taliban come
But unfortunately that days Taliban know about me because I have alot of video on YouTube and there rape me
Here is my dark story start and there searching me everywhere
Because I see there face for that wanna kill me and finally I can escape from Afghanistan and now this place also not safe but I don’t have any way I should be stay here
I have alot of story but now I can’t by passing of time I will say and write for you
I would like to share my story because I wanna world and world of LGBTQ know that what happened with young gay
And world of LGBTQ don’t be silent because of that and there should be help LGBTQ community”

Ramiz S first shared their story in a report created by OutRight International – https://outrightinternational.org/sites/default/files/afghanistan_lgbt0122_web_0.pdf

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