Please read this well before sharing your story.

Your safety is of utmost concern. Once posted, these stories are available for everyone in the world to read. If there is a risk that, by identifying yourself, you could be prosecuted under your country’s laws or could face further persecution, we strongly discourage you from showing your face and/or using your real name. We urge you to use your judgment and be safe above all else.

No level of discrimination is too small to share. We welcome all kinds of LGBTI stories of discrimination and survival.

All stories are read and moderated. This is a platform to share LGBTI stories of discrimination and survival. Homophobic or offensive comments will not be published.

If the story you are sharing involves people other than yourself, please do not identify them without their permission.

Please try to limit your story to less than 500 words.

We welcome the sharing of photos. As with your story, photos will be moderated to exclude imagery that could be perceived as homophobic or offensive.

This is a platform to share personal stories. While political commentary may be included in your story, we are interested in hearing about you and your personal experiences of discrimination and survival.

If you are in doubt, please contact the moderator via the contact page.

Please read this disclaimer before sharing your story. Posting a story is considered an acceptance of the conditions set out here:

By contributing to Where Love Is Illegal, you confirm that you have read the following terms and conditions, that you fully understand them, and that you agree to them.

  1. If you think that you or someone else may face prosecution, discrimination, persecution, or violence because of your submission, please do not submit your photograph(s) or story, unless you can safely and conclusively conceal the identities of all individuals in the photograph(s) or story. Above all else, please do not put yourself or anyone else in danger by contributing to this campaign.


  2. By contributing to Where Love Is Illegal, you agree that you are fully aware of the potential risks of identifying as LGBTI in your country, including potential criminal prosecution based on your sexuality and/or gender identity. You agree that you will not hold Witness Change or any associated organization responsible for any consequences that result from your contribution to the Where Love Is Illegal campaign.


  3. By contributing to Where Love Is Illegal, you are knowingly and voluntarily donating your photograph(s) and/or story to Witness Change. Witness Change may use your contributions to promote Witness Change’s work, whether as part of the Where Love Is Illegal campaign or as part of a different campaign. Witness Change may use your contributions to raise funds for itself and/or for organizations that help LGBTI individuals around the globe.


  4. By contributing to Where Love Is Illegal, you agree that you will not seek any reward or compensation for your participation. Specifically, you agree not to seek financial compensation for your contribution, no matter how your contribution is used in the future.


  5. Where Love Is Illegal is a social media campaign. Your story may be shared on multiple social media platforms that allow viewers to make comments. Be aware that some comments may be abusive in nature. Where Love Is Illegal endeavours to remove hate speech from comments about your image and story but cannot be held responsible for the comments made by people on social media platforms.