Olwetu & Ntombozuko / South Africa
They are called ‘Tom Boys’ and ‘Witches.’ Twice Ntombozuko has been violently attacked because of her sexuality. The first time a group of drunken men started shouting at her and her friends: “here’s these bitches trying to steal our girls” before attacking them. The second time, not only was she beaten but she was also stabbed. She survived the attack but lives in fear. She says the love of her partner has helped her to recover from the pain. They have been together 8 months and hope to marry.
“My Name is Nozuko Nohwana I’m staying in Cape Town KHAYELITSHA am 31 years of age. I’ve been attacked in 2010 in December the 17th it was me and my 4 friends we were coming from the shop to buy some drinks when we pass at the group of man they were standing in the corner they started to swer at us calling some names. So we ignore them bt they starting shouted at us they came and the starting to beat us we thied to fight back it was hectic. I was very scared didnt know what to do bt someone from that area call the police when the police came they rain away and I was lying down the road filling pain was dizzy as well jst laid there crying angry at the same time the police took us to the police station we open the case and the one who beats me he got arrested and he was out I met him in court when he saw me he looked away every time I look at him the anger comes bt I told my self that I must be strong and try to forget what happed. And last year I was stabbed in the stomach by the group of 4 men they were Robbing me Eish that was the worst day of my life even now I’m not filling safe when I walk in the street.”
i say you should move somewhere else . You wont find peace in Cape Town.
I am so sorry that this gas happened to you people can be Socruel and evil. But you must stay strong and focus on your loving partner. I hop you find peace and happiness.