
Mohammed /

“I was tortured so many times because of my sexuality being gay I was beaten by family members father uncle elderly brothers.

I’m a big shame to my tribe and family it just begun with me when i was 14 my uncle beated me by a pipe and threaten me by a knife it was more mental abuse than it physical eventually he put me in dogs cage. Because of family abuse i went to mental therpy now my life is just getting worse the more i grow up. Its inside u u know u r gay since childhood.

I suffered alot being gay i was forced last year to leave school and join the army the royal gaurd so i can be a real man and tough like my father.

We are not religious my family doesnt care about religion they care about reputation and their principles and culture

My mother is the only one who is support me but the wrong way she took me to sheikh (religious guy) to give me a lecture about how bad is it to be homosexual and how to throne of god is shaking when someone do sex with same sex partner. She took me even to mental illness doctor in 2009 she always says the verse from quran which says your children and your partners is your enemy so be aware of them.

In 2011 my uncle who is as i saw him was gay too my grandmother forced him to get married to his cousin (her niece) he commite suicide in 2011 by hanging himself on the roof.

What can i do we especially this part on the world is so conservative and far away from getting our rights as lgbt community its still big taboo suject you cant even talk about it in public.

Nobody likes me no one even talk to me i don’t know why im still alive to be honest but i hope there is hope.

I dont want to end like this i dont want to end like this i dont want controlled by family or who ever i think im going to immigrat somewhere and live independly when i find a good chance to escape.

This is my story”

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