
Right photo – 11 years old (first day of high school):
“Unfortunately i remember this age so so well. it was months/weeks after i wrote my first suicide note saying i was going to kill myself, i clearly wasn’t in the correct mind frame or whats so ever, it was just after puberty kicked in and i wasn’t happy at all, i was always sad, i had no friends, my mum was divorcing my dad and i was in pieces. moving 300 miles away from the place you grew up and where you lived was hard for me. I refused to wear a bra, i refused to knowledge that i was beginning to become a female. as it didn’t feel right, i didn’t feel comfortable and i was having little dysphoria moments. At this time i was just an alone kid and I wasn’t prepared for puberty as I hadn’t been taught it before. i hated the fact that i was becoming someone who I didn’t recognise. But for the sake of my family and bullying i didn’t tell anybody how i felt, because who would believe a 11-year-old tom boy when she says ‘i feel like a boy’, nobody.”

Left photo – 17 years old (half way through college):
“At the age of 15 i turned around to my friends and told them that i was transgender, in fact it was the 20th of February 2013! i had this massive weight taken off my shoulder, after years of self harming, drug taking, smoking and suicidal thoughts i thought i may as well be open with life and that’s when my deep and darkest fear became public. That day i lost some friends because of it but my real ones have stuck by me throughout it all and are still here today.”

This story was taken from From Alex’s blog Happiness Will Come Soon.

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