
Njiriru /

“My story is a story of hope, that the 17-year old me is gonna get through the trauma, the stigma, the hate, the name-calling, the anxiety of not knowing what turn my life would take in a place where people discard humanity once they realize you not like them, that you don’t conform to their norms, that you are different. To that scared 17-year old, yes, you are different, beautiful,worthy of love, there is completely nothing wrong with you.  To the 19-year old me who got depressed, and who’s mental health worsened, they were never really your friends if the first thing they did was cut you off for just wanting to have a shirt inscribed ‘mama I like boys who like boys’.  To the 21-year old who at times has to hide my identity and all aspects of my being to stay safe, the 21-year old me who couldn’t get out of the house and is constantly afraid cause I get ugly stares, I get threatened, the insults, it’s the uncertainty and insecurity.  But all that should be over, I am human, worthy of love, affection and peace. Am learning to love me more, gain confidence in myself, find beauty in this ugly world.” 

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