
Harmione /

“I learned about my sexual orientation at the age of 17 or 18. I am very open about my sexuality with my friends and at work. Their reactions were very ‘normal’ and they were very accepting. Usually when people get to know (that I am a bisexual), they think that I am just experimenting with the choices I have. But I never doubted that my bisexuality could have been ‘just a phase’. I’ve lived away from my parents for my studies and that never allowed us to have a relationship where we share everything with each other. My parents are in their late 50s and I understand that it’ll be difficult for them to learn of and accept my sexuality. I am just not ready to have that conversation with them yet because it will disrupt our lives, and honestly, I don’t think I ever will be. I have made peace with the fact that this part of my identity will always be hidden from my parents.”

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