Almost done with the Dame Coco transformation, Dom sprays product on his face.

Coco /

“When I first started acknowledge myself as an out of the closet person, I knew I wasn’t just gay but there’s something else. Right until I met my drag-mother, Jada Jade Rodriguez. Thats the time when i am exposed to the world of drag and colours. Never I’ve seen such a beautiful world being in drag. I’ve been always fascinated wearing heels walking around in public but then it was a discrimination towards the society we live in, and so I kept myself private and lived an unhappy life. 

I fear discrimination in public spaces – the taunts and the calling of names. Bapuk, pondan. Muggers are alert on people like us. I have seen and heard stories of people being roughed up. In a conservative society, I can only express myself in safe spaces. My family cannot know.  

But drag has always been within me and so I channel my love towards drag. I became a drag performer. Every time I perform in drag, I channel my frustration, my regrets, my happiness and my anger towards what I do and it shows the best side of me as a drag performer. 

I am asked by the bar where I work to practice discretion in promoting drag. They are afraid of being profiled, and getting warranted for investigation. Bars like that are often forced to close down. In this society of discrimination, drag isn’t easy as words of hatred will start to run around in circles. And soon before you know it, you’re the talk of the town.. but I would never let this stop me. I do my best with positivity in mind and most importantly, being able to entertain. That’s what I am here for. To let people know, in my own way, that drag is not a bad thing.”

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