
Alex /

“once i told my grandmother about the group of lgbti, i wanted to see her reaction because i was thinking of coming out of the closet. she just stared at me and made me promise that i would never form the bad habit of being one of the lgbti. no matter how hard i tried, she just could not believe that being one of lgbti was completely normal. she stubbornly insisted that a relationship like that was a mistake. i was about to refute, to quarrel, like i did to the anti-lgbti communities on the internet, but i cowered, i was afraid that she would consider me one of lgbti, even though i was and being one of them was never a fault. i was such a coward, i did not have courage to face the judgement brought by the exposure of me sexual orientation. and my grandma’s reaction just made me feel like i was making a huge mistake. but fortunately i held on. now i have announced my sexual orientation to my close friends, some of my classmates, a few teachers and my mom. i have suffered discriminations and vicious judgements, but it does not matter anymore. it is who i am, i am not changing it because of ohter’s command. and i will surely tell my grandma that i am gay, sooner or later, with my self-esteem.”

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